The Reader changes lives and strengthens communities by inspiring and supporting people to read aloud together.
'You need it, but you don't know you need it' - Member of the first ever Shared Reading group, Birkenhead, 2001
Since 2008, we have pioneered the use of Shared Reading to improve well-being, reduce social isolation and build resilience in diverse communities across the UK and beyond. Groups we work with include looked after children, people in recovery from substance mis-use, prisoners, individuals living with dementia, parents, teachers and people living with mental and physical health conditions.
VISIT website
International Priorities
We have run training courses in Australia, Denmark, Belgium and Ireland. We have also welcomed partners for an International Shared Reading Forum to our Headquarters at Calderstones Mansion House in Liverpool.
Key Strengths
Our international partnerships have led to the development of local Shared Reading organisations such as Laeseforeningen in Denmark and Book Well in Melbourne, Australia. We also have developed partnerships in Germany and The Netherlands, supporting the development of Shared Reading in those countries.
Seeking Partnerships With
In the coming years, we seek to broaden our international training reach, working with more partners in Europe and the United States.
Purpose of Partnerships
We seek to continue the development of Shared Reading internationally, showcasing its power to improve well-being, reduce social isolation and build resilience in communities.
Commissions & Articles

Holly Wagstaff, Developer at The Storybarn, talks about the need for creative and imaginative play for children.
Contact Us
Director - Dr Jane Davis MBD
ruthscottwilliams@thereader.org.uk (Executive Assistant)
Marketing & Communications Coordinator - Martin Gallagher-Mitchell