Christopher Brookmyre

Permanently excited by the possibility of being wrong about everything

Born and based in Glasgow, Scotland, UK

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Christopher Brookmyre was born in Glasgow in 1968 and educated at Glasgow University, where he earned an MA (Hons) in English and Theatre. He worked as a sub-editor in London and Edinburgh prior to the publication of his first novel, Quite Ugly One Morning, which won the First Blood Award in 1996 for the best first crime novel of the year. Eighteen further novels followed, garnering him two Sherlock awards and the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize for Comic Writing in 2006. He collaborated with Brighton-based indie developers RedBedlam to create the Bedlam video-game, developed in parallel with the novel of the same name. His latest novel is Black Widow.

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Black Widow, 2016, Little, Brown

Dead Girl Walking, 2015, Little, Brown

Flesh Wounds, 2013, Little, Brown

Bedlam, 2013, Orbit

When the Devil Drives, 2012, Little, Brown

Where the Bodies Are Buried,  2011, Little, Brown

Pandaemonium, 2009, Little, Brown

A Snowball in Hell, 2008, Little, Brown

Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks, 2007, Little, Brown

A Tale Etched in Blood and Hard Black Pencil, 2006, Little, Brown

All Fun and Games Until Somebody Loses an Eye, 2005, Little, Brown

Be My Enemy, 2004, Little, Brown

The Sacred Art of Stealing, 2002, Little, Brown

A Big Boy Did it and Ran Away, 2001, Little, Brown

Boiling A Frog, 2000, Little Brown

One Fine Day in the Middle of the Night, 1999, Little, Brown

Not the end of the World, 1998, Little, Brown

Country of the Blind, 1998, Little, Brown

Quite Ugly One Morning, 1996, Little, Brown