The Emerging Translators Network is a forum and support network for early-career literary translators working into English and focussed mainly on the UK.
We provide an email-based discussion group, where you can ask questions, seek and give advice, exchange tips and resources, post details of events and opportunities, even pass on work! Occasional meetings, socials, events and workshops are held in London throughout the year. Members outside London also organize meetings in their own areas.
It’s free to join, but prospective members should demonstrate a genuine interest in developing a career in literary translation
VISIT website
International Priorities
Representing the ETN, our chair Rosalind Harvey partnered with the Petra-E group to put together a European Framework for Literary Translating.
Several of our members have spoken at universities around Europe representing the ETN.
Key Strengths
We have an excellent track record in delivering popular, enjoyable events for both non-specialist members of the public and more specialist literary/translation/publishing audiences, at a range of venues and institutions, including bookshops, literary festivals, schools, conferences, university departments and cultural centres.
We organised a sell-out conference for early-career literary translators at the Free Word Centre in 2014, with practical panels on topics such as making a living as a freelancer, and building your online presence. Many of our members regularly lecture in translation, and run translation-related workshops at schools and universities.
One of our main strengths is that we have members all over the world, not just in the UK and Europe, many of whom have professional links to local language- and translation-related bodies and organisations, as well as to their local readers.
Seeking Partnerships With
- UK universities.
- Literary/cultural festivals
Purpose of Partnerships
We would like to offer speakers/workshop leaders to language and translation departments at universities for one-off workshops and employability events, for a fee. We would cover topics like "making a living as a translator" and "how to get into literary translation." Several of our members do this already on an ad-hoc basis, and we would like to formalise the way it's done with a series of pre-prepared but adaptable talks for our more experienced members to offer.
We'd also like to offer speakers and workshop leaders to literary festivals, to run talks on literary translation or workshops with translators. Again, this is something many of our members do on an individual basis, but we would like to formalise the arrangement and have it specifically marketed as an ETN event.
Contact Us
Chair and Co-founder - Rosalind Harvey
Secretary - Ruth Martin