Founded in 2015, Tilted Axis is a not-for-profit press on a mission to shake up contemporary international literature, publishing innovative, contemporary fiction translated from Asian languages.
Tilting the axis of world literature from the centre to the margins allows us to challenge that very division. These margins are spaces of compelling innovation, where multiple traditions spark new forms and translation plays a crucial role.
As part of carving out a new direction in the publishing industry, Tilted Axis is also dedicated to improving access. We’re proud to pay our translators the proper rate, and to operate without unpaid interns.
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International Priorities
MoA with the Literature Translation Institute of Korea to fund the translation and publication of at least one South Korean book per year, similar funding for individual South Korean titles from The Daesan Foundation, Japanese translation funding from the J-Lit Center and Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, working with the British Council on their UK/Korea 2017-2018 season and planning to do the same with their upcoming Japan and Indonesia seasons.
Key Strengths
We already have a wide range of strong international connections, particularly within Asian countries. Our publisher Deborah, who also translates Korean literature into English, has excellent connections with Korean publishing, and has also been invited to participate in literary festivals in Tokyo, Dhaka, Jaipur, Lahore, Karachi, and others. Many of our authors are well-connected in their respective country's literary scenes - our Thai author Prabda Yoon is the current president of the Asian Publishers' Association, and represents the Association (and Tilted Axis) at the London and Frankfurt Book Fairs. We partner with UK-based international organisations such as Writers' Centre Norwich, the BCLT and the British Council, for programmes involving UK and international authors.
Seeking Partnerships With
Asia-based organisations who would like to promote translations from and into their languages, and/or who work in author and/or reader development in their respective countries.
Festival, workshop and residency organisers.
Purpose of Partnerships
We would like to be able to fund more translations both from Asian languages into English, but also between Asian languages, particularly but not exclusively based around our own titles.
We would also like to create opportunities for our authors and translators to participate in festivals, workshops and residencies.
Contact Us
Director - Deborah Smith
Commissions & Articles

During the Worlds symposium in 2016 we talked to Deborah Smith, founder of Tilted Axis, about the founding of the organisation and their translation efforts.